News for Afghanistan

Mobilize, a film by Kevin Kunse, rent/ buy the film, or watch the trailer.
Afghanistan Created: 25 Aug 2015
Sorry All, but the "Free view" time limit has passed.
But you can still see the trailer, rent or buy the video.

Kevin Kunze’s acclaimed film MOBILIZE which explores the health risks and possible solutions to cell phone radiation – - See more at:

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Source: Lloyd Burell. Electric Sence/Agnes Ingvarsdottir

Healing the Earth with Harmonic Convergence 2- September 22-23, 2012
Afghanistan Created: 25 Aug 2012
PRESS RELEASE 2012, Healing the Earth with Harmonic Convergence 2- September 22-23, 2012.

On the Autumn Equinox weekend this September 22-23, 2012, people will gather for Harmonic Convergence 2 in simultaneous events around the globe, in order to affirm a new global reality based on peace, environmental purification, and freedom from corporate technologies that are poisoning the people and wildlife of the Earth.

A quarter-century ago, in 1987, the first Harmonic Convergence inspired the largest simultaneous global healing events this world has ever witnessed. The global intention was to synergize a new era of peace, consciousness and environmental purification .It brought people together around the globe at hundreds of sites including Mt. Shasta, Chaco Canyon, Haleakala Crater, Boulder, Central Park, Mt.Tamalpais, Sedona, Niagara Falls, Mt. Tecate, Mystery Hill, and the Grand Canyon in the U.S.; Machu Picchu in Peru; Lake Titicaca in Bolivia; Mt. Fuji in Japan; Ayers Rock in Australia; the Great Pyramids in Egypt; Stonehenge in Great Britain; and the Temples of Delphi in Greece.

Actress Shirley McLain called the 1987 Harmonic Convergence a "window of light," that synergized a new realm of awareness. Soon after this Harmonic Convergence, the world did indeed shift in awareness. The Berlin Wall came down, Brazil shifted to a democracy, Nelson Mandela was released from prison as South Africa’s Apartheid system ended, and the Communist regime of the USSR disintegrated.

These 25 years later, it is all the more critical that the world come together with a concerted intention to establish peace and stop the blatant poisoning of Earth and her people. We believe that once citizens learn the truth that has been hidden from them by corporate media control and are given the opportunity to stop harmful agendas that do not serve the highest good of all, they will choose to act to stop these agendas.

Currently, a small collective of corporate giants and banking families control global economics and all major media outlets. Because of this massive control, the vast array of scientific studies conducted by concerned academics that prove how we are being poisoned by these corporations, have been hidden from public knowledge. And new technological advances that could replace these harmful technologies, have been stifled. The harmful technologies now threatening the future of humanity and wildlife include GMOs, pesticides, smart meters and wireless radiation, fracking, pharmaceuticals, bioengineering, vaccines, weather control (HAARP/GWEN), and chemtrails. (Please visit the Heal the Earth tab on this website to see evidence documenting how dangerous these activities are.)

One in three people are now getting cancer in the U.S. Trillions of dollars can be saved yearly on healthcare alone, once corporations stop poisoning us. Ending war offensives that support corporate banking manipulation of the global economy can save at least as much money. With the concerted will of the citizens of the Earth, new laws and a new global economy can be forged based on right-livelihood and local, sustainable practices that ensure health and equal opportunity for all.

Harmonic Convergence 2 events will help educate people about corporate activities that are harming us and set a global intention to stop these agendas. By using circle ceremony at sacred nature sites, this event will empower us to join together to reclaim and purify our Earth’s land, air, water, and food. Armed with the truth and a collective vision, a sustainable economic system of abundance for all can be created with supportive laws written and voted upon by informed citizens of the world.
We request that there be no buying and selling of products at Harmonic Convergence 2 events. We also ask that wireless technology be left at home and that these events be held in natural locations well away from cell towers and other antennas that emit wireless radiation. Wireless emissions measure trillions of times higher than the human brain and the Earth’s own natural healing frequency. We want to insure that those who attend these events can utilize the unadulterated healing energy of the Earth, as they come together to connect and energize a new vision for the world. See: for more information.
Together, with Great Auspicious Vision, we create a world that nurtures the Highest Good of All
Click here to view the source article.
Source: Lisa Anderson/Agnes Ingvarsdottir

Mobile phone masts shut off at night
Afghanistan Created: 12 Mar 2008
Afghan mobile phone companies have begun switching off their signals at night in parts of the restive south after several attacks by the Taleban.

Ten mobile phone masts were attacked in recent weeks, the latest on Tuesday night, the Afghan government says.

Last month the Taleban threatened the companies, alleging that the networks were being used by Afghan and Nato troops to target them.

Mobile phones are the only form of communication for many Afghans.

They were introduced to the country in 2001, after the fall of the Taleban.

The latest attack took place on Tuesday night, when a mobile phone tower was set on fire in the western province of Herat.

Since a threat by the Taleban last month to target the towers unless the phone companies switched off their signals at night, 10 such facilities have been attacked, six of them completely destroyed.

Government 'concern'

Afghanistan has four mobile phone companies, all privately owned, and they now appear to have begun complying.

In two southern provinces, Zabul and Ghazni, the phone networks have stopped working between five in the evening and seven in the morning.

The deputy police chief in Ghazni, Mohammad Zaman, said this was the result of the Taleban's warning.

"We will persuade the companies to turn the signals back on again," he said.

Similar reports have come in from several districts in four other southern provinces, including Kandahar and Helmand, which are both Taleban strongholds.

The phone companies have refused to speak on the issue but a spokesman for the telecommunications ministry, Abdul Hadi Hadi, told the BBC that the government had asked them to resist the Taleban pressure.

"We are concerned because the mobile phone companies had promised us that they would not bow before the Taleban demand," Mr Hadi said.

Mobile phones are the only way most Afghans are able to communicate, especially in remote areas where they are used to summon medical help or contact relatives.

Many Afghans living in the affected areas are now complaining that they are being inconvenienced and are also feeling insecure.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: BBC news, Sanjoy Majumder, 12 Mar 2008

Militants destroy second Afghan mobile phone antenna
Afghanistan Created: 2 Mar 2008
KABUL (AFP) — A mobile phone antenna was destroyed in southern Afghanistan, police said Sunday, the second such attack since militants threatened to bring down the masts which they claim are used to locate hideouts.

Armed rebels believed to be Taliban scaled the mast just outside the southern city of Kandahar overnight and took down equipment before burning it, local police officer Ghulam Hazrat said.

"I'm sure it was the work of the Taliban," he told AFP, adding that guards at the facility had escaped unhurt.

The mast belonged to Roshan, Afghanistan's leading mobile phone provider, he said.

Militants used petrol bombs on Friday to attack an antenna in Zhari district west of the city.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahed warned on Monday that the insurgents would attack the technology because it was being used at night to pin-point rebel bases.

However the movement could not be reached Sunday to confirm if its men were involved in the latest attacks.

Five mobile companies operate in Afghanistan and the sector is one of the most successful of the post-Taliban government.

The Taliban were removed in late 2001 for not handing over their Al-Qaeda allies after the September 11 attacks on the United States.

They are waging an insurgency that was its deadliest last year with more than 6,000 people killed -- most of them rebel fighters.
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Source: AFP / Google, 02 Mar 2008

Taleban issue mobile phone threat
Afghanistan Created: 25 Feb 2008
The Taleban have threatened to blow up telephone masts across Afghanistan unless mobile phone companies agree to switch off their signals at night.

They say that US and other foreign troops are using the signals to track down insurgents.

The Taleban have warned the masts and offices of the mobile companies will be destroyed unless their demands are met.

Mobiles were introduced after the Taleban fell in 2001 and are now the most popular way of communicating.

''If those companies do not stop their signal within three days, the Taleban will target their towers and their offices," Taleban spokesman Zabiullah Mujaheed said.

The Taleban say that Afghanistan's four mobile phone companies should stop operating between 1700 local time and 0300 the following morning.

Militants have threatened the companies in the past, accusing them of colluding with the US and other forces.

But communication experts say the US military uses satellites to pick up mobile signals and does not need the help of the phone companies anyway.
Click here to view the source article.
Source: BBC News, Jon Brain, 25 Feb 2008

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