This is a website dedicated to a international community of people suffering adverse health effects from microwave transmitting telecommunications masts & cell-towers in the vicinity of their homes.
If you are a victim of such microwave radiation or just strongly concerned about the issue, please write your story and share your thoughts on this website! Please click on "Tell your story" in the left hand menu and create an online case history file. You don't need to register with this website to participate and no personal information will be recorded. You only give out as much information as you wish to.
You can also send your story to us and we will put it online.
The purpose of this website is to bring together people from all over the world that have become victims of insensitive mast and antenna siting. Telecommunications companies are drowning us in radiation and they are in a state of complete denial on whether these masts and antennas have any negative health impact on the population. Credible scientific research shows that especially mobile phone mast radiation is harmful and people are suffering. Some people have even been forced to abandon their homes after becoming ill from radiation.
This has got to change. So far only few people have come forward against the telecommunication industry and those who have deserve to be known and heard.
www.mast-victims.org is built as a community where people living under the threat of masts and antennas can record their case histories and share their thoughts online.
30 Oct |
Cell Phone Tower in Phoenix, AZ
29 Oct |
On The Run From Wireless
My Story
21 Nov |
Civil Rights and Liberties Violations
The Awakening
14 Apr |
Severe Poisoning Update and Suggestions for Self-Help
Update of previous listing
15 Jun |
Caminando hacia una ley que nos proteja
x una ley para Argentina
1 Jun |
EHS/EMF Heart palpitations and wifi sensitivity
my story
12 Feb |
Living With Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: My Daily Journal
I started keeping a daily journal beginning April 2014
8 May |
Anti-smart meter campaigner’s electromagnetic pain claim rejected, ordered to pay legal costs
Anti-smart meter campaigner’s electromagnetic pain claim rejected, ordered to pay legal costs
6 May |
Court bid to stop NBN tower
Injunction against the operation of an NBN tower just built near her home.
4 Mar |
Insane high pitch Ringing
WiFi Turned off..
15 Oct |
My experience with Wi-Fi
Again, I am deeply concerned for our children, for their well-being and welfare.
17 Aug |
Salt Water Cure
Salt Water Cure
20 May |
The Royal Whammy!
My Symptoms Didn't Start In Earnest Until 1980.
7 Dec |
you tube, The Hum Movies, Darrell Dammen
The Hum tours, updates will be loaded to you tube weekly
28 Oct |
Pronetip - New Ross,Co.Wexford - Internet Provider causing serious illness amongst residents in the area
21 Oct |
I was an installer for Wildblue Satellite Internet.
After 60 installations I came down with Graves Deseace.
1 Oct |
My EMF'd Life - New York, New York
Fast Forward
15 Apr |
New home, ringing/pressure in ears, heart flutters, fatigue Olympia, WA
3 Mar |
Waiting for the bomb to drop
Waiting for the bomb to drop
28 Feb |
Sally Roberts: runaway mother will 'allow radiotherapy if son's cancer is back'
Neon Roberts: mother stands by legal bid to stop son receiving radiotherapy for brain tumo
Recent letters to the WHO's EMF project have exposed how the WHO has ignored crucial scientific evidence on Mobile-Phone masts when formulating their fact sheets for the public.
Read more here.
The resolution was passed at the conference "The shadow-side of the Wireless Society". Support the resolution here.